NCSA Portfolio

Package ncsa.j3d

Class Summary
CollidableTransformGroup This PickableTransformGroup extension adds collision detection and reporting.
MulticastTransformGroup A PickableTransformGroup that transmits its Transform3D over a multicast subnet
PickableTransformGroup This class extends SimpleTransformGroup and adds support for picking.
SimpleTransformGroup This class is designed to represent a node that moves through space.
TextureCache This object is used to retrieve textures that are loaded into the system.
TransformGroupCustomer This object implements the Customer interface and is used to set the PickableTransformGroup's Transform3D to a new value every time the consume method is called.

NCSA Portfolio

NCSA Portfolio, Copyright 1997-1999, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, All Rights Reserved