NCSA offers free webinar on performance tools Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) will offer a free webinar on Getting Started with Performance Tools from 1:30 to 3 p.m. CST on Thursday, Feb. 25. This webinar, led by NCSA system engineer Galen Arnold, will provide an introduction to performance tools and techniques. A common application, High Performance Linpack (HPL), will be … Continued February 19, 2010
Submissions sought for GPU symposium Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email There will be a Symposium on Chemical Computations on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units in conjunction with the 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, Aug. 22-26. The symposium will provide technical presentations from the companies who are advancing the development of general-purpose graphics processing units (GP-GPUs), discussions of the challenges involved in effectively programming … Continued February 3, 2010
NCSA aids Gravity Radio production Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email By John McDermott NCSA multimedia technology specialist Jeff Carpenter produced a video collage that will be part of the performance of Gravity Radio at Krannert Center for Performing Arts on Friday and Saturday (Jan. 29 and 30). This song cycle for string quartet, singers, guitarist, bass, drums, and keyboard (and featuring reports from the Associated … Continued January 29, 2010
Sites sought for 2010 Virtual School classes Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering (VSCSE) is recruiting sites to participate in its 2010 summer schools for graduate students. The VSCSE helps prepare the next generation of computational researchers so they can take full advantage of extreme-scale computing resources, such as the sustained-petaflop Blue Waters system. Students participate in the Virtual School … Continued January 19, 2010
How will Blue Waters benefit science? Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The Blue Waters supercomputer is one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world for open scientific research when it comes online at Illinois in 2011. How will scientists and engineers across the country use this tremendous resource? How will their research be advanced by a supercomputer that can do 1 quadrillion calculations every second? … Continued January 13, 2010
National Science Foundation awards $1.95 million to GroupScope project Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Science Foundation has awarded a grant of $1.95 million for a project that will apply advanced computing power to research into social interaction in large, dynamic groups. GroupScope: Instrumenting Research on Interaction Networks in Complex Social Contexts is led by Marshall Scott Poole, director of the Illinois Institute for Computing in the Humanities, … Continued January 7, 2010
Webinar to provide Blue Waters proposal writing tips Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Science Foundation is currently soliciting proposals from researchers who are interested in tackling challenging science and engineering problems using Blue Waters, a sustained petascale supercomputer that will come online in 2011 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. In order to receive an award of time on Blue Waters through the National Science … Continued January 5, 2010
HPCwire names Kevin Franklin one to watch in 2010 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Kevin Franklin, the executive director of Illinois’ Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts and Social Science (ICHASS), has been named one of the 12 top people to watch in 2010 by HPCwire. The list recognizes individuals who contribute to the advancement of high-performance computing technology and the use of HPC. HPCwire calls Franklin “that rare … Continued January 5, 2010