SPIN-tern Daniel Gross invited to present at National Conference of Undergraduate Research Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Daniel Gross is a CS + Chemistry major, and in just a few short months he will graduate into a new position developing software for trading algorithms at IMC Financial. But before Daniel was moving on from college into the corporate world, he was in high school, and like many at that age, was unsure … Continued April 6, 2018
Two NCSA groups to participate in Google’s Summer of Code Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email This summer, two teams of National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) researchers will be participating in Google’s Summer of Code program, which introduces students to open-source software. From May to August, applicants will get hands-on experience programming for open-source organizations’ projects, spanning from 3D printing to genomics and even using open-source software to investigate particle … Continued April 3, 2018
NCSA’s Donna Cox wins 2018 Innovation Transfer Award Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA’s Dr. Donna Cox was named a recipient of the 2018 Innovation Transfer Award, presented at the 13th Annual Innovation Celebration on Thursday, March 29, 2018. This award, presented by the Champaign County Economic Development Corporation, the University of Illinois, Parkland College and other community sponsors, is given to a University of Illinois researcher “whose … Continued March 30, 2018
Deadly handshake: Blue Waters reveals how staph bacteria cling to human cells Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email What makes pathogenic bacteria so persistent? Researchers from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois and the University of Munich (LMU) are using the National Center for Supercomputing Applications’ (NCSA) Blue Waters supercomputer to simulate and decipher the physical adhesion mechanism of a widespread pathogen virulence factor. This, in turn, could lead to innovation … Continued March 29, 2018
Deadline extended: Spring 2018 Illinois allocations on Blue Waters Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The deadline to apply for an Illinois Allocation on NCSA’s Blue Waters supercomputer has been extended until Thursday, March 22nd. If you’re an Illinois researcher who is seeking time on a robust high-performance computing system, more information on how to apply can be found below: Blue Waters is one of the world’s most powerful computing … Continued March 16, 2018
2018 Engineering Open House at NCSA highlights research and innovation Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email You’ve likely heard about some powerful supercomputers hiding on the Illinois campus. The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) wants to give you a behind the scenes look at the machines and how researchers are using them to change the world during the 2018 Engineering Open House! NCSA’s events are happening on Friday, March 9 … Continued March 6, 2018
NCSA-supported Ph.D. candidate successfully defends Ph.D. thesis Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA student researcher Ankit Rai, a Ph.D. candidate in Informatics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has just successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Ankit’s research at NCSA was funded by Brown Dog, one of NCSA’s research projects aimed at developing a method for easily accessing historical research data stored in order to maintain the … Continued March 5, 2018
NCSA Assistant Director Dan Katz named BSSw Fellow Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Daniel S. Katz, Assistant Director for Scientific Software and Applications at the National Center for Supercomputing Application (NCSA) has been named as one of the four inaugural fellows of the Better Scientific Software (BSSw) project, a program that promotes better scientific software. Katz, who was recognized for this achievement during the Exascale Computing Project’s 2nd … Continued February 22, 2018
Powerful supercomputer unlocks possibilities for tinier devices and affordable DNA sequencing Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email by Susan Szuch Since its discovery in 2004, graphene has captured imaginations and sparked innovation in the scientific community. Perhaps rightly so as it is 200 times stronger than the strongest steel but still flexible, incredibly light but extremely tough, and conducts heat and electricity more efficiently than copper.Professor Jerry Bernholc of North Carolina State … Continued February 19, 2018
NCSA researchers create one of the most reliable tools for long-term crop prediction in the U.S. Cor Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email With the help of the Blue Waters supercomputer, at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Blue Waters Professor Kaiyu Guan and NCSA postdoc fellow, Bin Peng implemented and evaluated a new maize growth model. The CLM-APSIM model combines superior features in both Community Land Model (CLM) and … Continued February 14, 2018
NCSA announces Spring 2018 call for Illinois allocations on Blue Waters Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Blue Waters is one of the world’s most powerful computing systems, located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and housed at the National Petascale Computing Facility. Each year that Blue Waters is in operation, about 6 to 8 million node-hours are available for projects originating from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via Illinois … Continued February 13, 2018
NCSA allocates over $2.4 million in new Blue Waters supercomputer awards to Illinois researchers Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Fifteen research teams at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been allocated computation time on the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) sustained-petascale Blue Waters supercomputer after applying in the Fall of 2017. These allocations range from 75,000 to 582,000 node-hours of compute time over either six months or one year, and altogether total … Continued February 12, 2018
NCSA intern accepts opportunity through Microsoft’s Autism Hiring Program Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Sol Robinson, an NCSA intern with the Blue Waters project who graduated this past December, has just landed a software engineering position with Microsoft’s Xbox team, located at the company’s headquarters in Seattle, WA. Sol will be joining Microsoft’s diverse and inclusive workforce as they strive to hire more individuals with differences to make Microsoft … Continued February 12, 2018
NCSA intern receives highest honor from Illinois College of Engineering Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA intern Daniel Johnson, a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign double majoring in Engineering Physics and Computer Science (Engineering), has just been named a Knight of St. Patrick, one of the highest honors one can receive from the College of Engineering at Illinois. The Knights of St. Patrick award began at 1903 … Continued February 8, 2018
New Broadening Participation Allocations now available on Blue Waters supercomputer—apply by March 1 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Center for Supercomputing Applications’ (NCSA) Blue Waters project has announced a new sub-allocation category called “Broadening Participation.” This new category is open to faculty and research staff at U.S. academic institutions who have not previously been a PI on a research allocation on the Blue Waters system and who are in one or … Continued February 7, 2018
Scientists use Blue Waters to understand epilepsy Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email by Susan Szuch Epilepsy is the fourth most common human neurological disorder in the world—a disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. According to the Centers for Disease Control, a record number of people in the United States have epilepsy: 3.4 million total, including nearly half a million children. At this time, there’s no known cause … Continued February 2, 2018