NCSA Student Spotlight: Adam Rebei Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Adam Rebei, a senior at University Laboratory High School in Urbana, Illinois, says he was always interested in astronomy. It was when he took an astronomy course at the University of Illinois through his school’s concurrent enrollment program, however, that his interest in astronomy launched into an education path that led to him using the … Continued May 16, 2019
New research accurately predicts Australian wheat yield months before harvest Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email by Lauren Quinn, 217-300-2435,, Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Topping the list of Australia’s major crops, wheat is grown on more than half the country’s cropland and is a key export commodity. With so much riding on wheat, accurate yield forecasting is necessary to predict regional and global food security and commodity markets. A … Continued May 14, 2019
NCSA scientist employs supercomputer simulations in Ohio gerrymandering case Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Last week, a decision on a case in Ohio’s Sixth District Court may have signaled a shift in the way electoral maps are drawn in the state, and furthermore, may have ramifications for redistricting cases at the national level. A lawsuit filed in the Southern District of Ohio by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) … Continued May 9, 2019
Can You Imagine: Shaping the Future of Finance with HPC? Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Mao Ye’s research lies at the intersection of big data, high-performance computing and the economics, and finance realm. Using computing resources, Ye tackles large amounts of data currently being collected by companies and finance institutions. “The high-performance computing … Continued May 6, 2019
Collaborative efforts produce clinical workflows for fast, translational genetic analysis Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email With individualized medicine—one of the holy grails of modern healthcare—diagnosis and treatment of patients would rely in part on each individual’s specific DNA profile, enabling truly personalized care. But in order for genetic information to contribute meaningfully to patient care, DNA testing has to be affordable and efficient. In 2017, the Mayo Clinic Center for … Continued May 3, 2019
NCSA Student Spotlight: Rishabh Rajagopalan Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Rishabh Rajagopalan is currently a junior studying computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has been a Students Pushing Innovation (SPIN) intern at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) since summer 2018, where he works with mentor Sever Tipei on the Digital Instrument for Sound Synthesis and Composition (DISSCO) project. He … Continued May 2, 2019
NCSA contributes to LIGO and Virgo Neutron Star Collision Detection Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email On April 25, 2019, the National Science Foundation’s Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the European-based Virgodetector registered gravitational waves from what appears likely to be a crash between two neutron stars—the dense remnants of massive stars that previously exploded. One day later, on April 26, the LIGO-Virgo network spotted another candidate source with a … Continued May 2, 2019
Four Ph.D. students selected as Blue Waters Graduate Fellows Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Four Ph.D. students have been selected to receive Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships for 2019-2020. The fellowship program, now in its sixth year, provides substantial support and the opportunity for early career researchers to leverage the sustained petascale performance of the Blue Waters supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of … Continued April 25, 2019
NCSA Student Spotlight: Sarah Habib Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Sarah Habib, a junior studying engineering physics at the University of Illinois, joined the INCLUSION (Incubating a New Community of Leaders Using Software, Inclusion, Innovation, Interdisciplinary and OpeN-Science) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and Gravity Group at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Summer 2018, a decision that led to her publishing … Continued April 25, 2019
Illinois researchers sweeten “honeypot” to catch, blacklist hackers Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email by Allison Arp, Coordinated Science Laboratory “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” – Sun Tzu. This quote inspired Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL) student Phuong M. Cao and a team from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to conduct research to understand how programs were being attacked. A paper … Continued April 23, 2019
Can You Imagine: Helping Research Reach New Heights with AI? Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA’s Volodymyr Kindratenko’s research rests at the confluence of some of the most cutting-edge areas of computer science in recent memory. Through his work with NCSA’s Computing and Data Sciences group, Kindratenko helps researchers refine the tools and applications that they use to make discoveries and gain insights with high-performance computing. Whether it be with … Continued April 22, 2019
Blue Waters and XSEDE user Charles Gammie contributes to M87 black hole image Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Thanks in part to the power of the Blue Waters supercomputer and the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), both headquartered at NCSA and supported by the National Science Foundation, a massive research collaboration was able to capture a picture of a black hole for the first time ever. A research team led by … Continued April 18, 2019
NCSA announces latest recipient of Fiddler Innovation Fellowship Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA is excited to announce the latest recipient of the Fiddler Innovation Fellowship, Jewel Ifeguni. Ifeguni, a senior in communications within the University of Illinois’ College of Liberals Arts & Sciences and also the Founder and CEO of YouMatter Studios, was awarded the $10,000 Fiddler Innovation Fellowship at the Illinois Innovation Prize ceremony which took … Continued April 15, 2019
NCSA Brown Dog and Box Skills Speed up Astronomical Research Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Brown Dog, a prototype Data Transformation Service (DTS) developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with Box to bring intelligence framework capabilities to users’ content by leveraging its recently introduced Box Skills. With the release of one of our transformations as a preliminary … Continued April 12, 2019
Can You Imagine: Surveying the Night Sky in the Era of Big Data? Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Today, survey science from any given telescope of the night sky starts at over two days of frequency – meaning that it takes up to 15 days for even our most powerful telescopes to survey the entire night sky. Imagine being able to map the night sky five times more frequently than our current human … Continued April 10, 2019
Two NCSA affiliates receive NSF CAREER Awards Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email URBANA, IL – Kaiyu Guan and Mattia Gazzola, both Blue Waters professors at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), have been announced as recipients of the National Science Foundation’s annual CAREER awards, allowing them to dive even deeper into the world of computation in agriculture and fluid dynamics, respectively. A hallmark achievement for young … Continued April 8, 2019