Blue Waters supercomputer is available for educational projects April 21, 2015 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email A portion of the immense capacity of the Blue Water supercomputer is available for educational projects, including semester-long courses, workshops, and institutes. Up to 1 percent (or 1.8 million node-hours) per year is reserved for educational allocations, and applications are accepted throughout the year. These allocations are intended to broaden the impact of Blue Waters and contribute to the development of a national workforce with expertise in petascale computing. The allocation is to enable projects that advance petascale computational and data analysis knowledge and skills, foster projects that are visionary and/or are national in scope, integrate research and education activities among national science and engineering communities, and proactively engage under-represented groups and individuals in science, engineering and scholarly research. Possible educational topics include: Large-scale datasets and optimization of I/O file access. Developing and testing of codes that use advanced methods, languages and tools. Optimizing and scaling of a community code to a large-scale simulation. Optimizing or developing new libraries and tools that will leverage architecture features or processor counts unique to the Blue Waters system. Modeling of systems or codes. Use of large-scale computation and data analytics in discipline specific classes and events. For complete details and to submit a proposal, visit: Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive