Jim Kurose, Valerio Pascucci to speak at XSEDE15 May 7, 2015 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email XSEDE15 will feature plenary talks from Jim Kurose, the leader of the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) directorate at the National Science Foundation, and Valerio Pascucci, the founding director of the Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV) of the University of Utah. Kurose is on leave from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass Amherst), where he has been a distinguished professor at the School of Computer Science since 2004. He has also served in a number of administrative roles at UMass, helped lead the founding of the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center, and has been a visiting scientist at IBM Research; INRIA; Institut EURECOM; the University of Paris; the Laboratory for Information, Network and Communication Sciences; and Technicolor Research Labs. His research interests include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. Kurose has served on many national and international advisory boards and panels and has received numerous awards for his research and teaching. With Keith Ross, he is the co-author of the textbook, Computer Networking, a top down approach (6th edition) published by Addison-Wesley/Pearson. In addition to leading CEDMAV, Pascucci is also a faculty member of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, a professor of the School of Computing, University of Utah, a Laboratory Fellow of Pacific Northwest National Lab, and currently a visiting faculty member at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology). Before joining the University of Utah, Pascucci was the Data Analysis Group leader of the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and adjunct professor of Computer Science at the University of California Davis. Pascucci’s research interests include big data management and analytics, progressive multi-resolution techniques in scientific visualization, discrete topology, geometric compression, computer graphics, computational geometry, geometric programming, and solid modeling. Pascucci is the co-author of more than one hundred refereed journal and conference papers and has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. XSEDE15 will be held July 26-30 in St. Louis. The conference program will offer tutorials, plenary talks, panels and in-depth technical content that will challenge experts in the field while also providing introductions to all aspects—the tools, technologies and methods—of computational science to people new to the use of these resources and services. This event will also provide a forum for discussion of challenges, opportunities, and solutions among HPC Center directors, computational scientists, researchers, engineers, students, educators, XSEDE staff, industry and government agency representatives from across the United States and internationally. For details and to register, visit https://www.xsede.org/web/conference. Reminder: Birds-of-a-feather proposals and poster abstracts—including student poster abstracts—are due on May 11. The submission deadline for the Visualization Showcase has been extended to May 18. Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive