NCSA co-hosting Broadening Participation in Visualization Workshop June 13-14 June 7, 2018 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be co-hosting the 2018 iteration of the Broadening Participation in Visualization (BPViz) Workshop, focused on how visualization enables data science for all. NCSA is co-hosting this workshop with Purdue University’s Polytechnic Institute. The June 13th session will take place at Purdue University’s Memorial Union, and the June 14th session will be hosted at NCSA in Urbana. BPViz’18 is open to anyone who is interested. This year’s workshop will feature a keynote speech from Maxine Brown, Director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. More information can be found in the descriptions below, or on the BPViz website. About BPViz BPViz is committed to broadening participation of all persons, specifically women and members of underrepresented groups and underrepresented disciplines in data visualization. The workshop is diverse in participants, content, and speakers. Visualization is a catalyst for communication, a conduit for collaboration and a pathway to STEM. It is imperative that a field with such far-reaching impact be as diverse and inclusive as possible. Past workshop participants have included undergraduates, graduate students, students from K12, administrators, junior faculty, senior faculty, post-docs, research scientists, librarians, the list goes on. The goals of BPViz are three-fold: (1) broaden participation of women, members of underrepresented groups and underrepresented disciplines in visualization, (2) foster a community of current and future scholars with interests in visualization through mentoring and (3) encourage participants to consider visualization as a career path. The vision of the workshop is to build a diverse community of researchers and professionals willing to share their wisdom, expertise and experiences in research, academia, and industry in the visualization field. About this year’s workshop Visualization plays an important role in all levels of scholarship, and across interdisciplinary, research and social landscapes. It is imperative that the importance and benefits of a field with such far reaching impact embrace the diverse demographic of the future workforce for whom data visualization skills will be needed if not required. In order to meet the growing demand for persons with capacity to utilize data visualization to solve complex problems in research and in the workforce exposure to data visualization at all levels is essential. This workshop aims to be a catalyst for broadening participation of women, members of underrepresented groups and underrepresented disciplines in visualization, fostering a community of current and future scholars with interests in visualization through mentoring and encouraging participants to consider visualization as a career path. The workshop is designed to inform, inspire and encourage participants, specifically participants historically underrepresented at the conference, to engage in the multidisciplinary dynamics of visualization. Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive