NCSA shares in HPCwire Editors’ Choice Award November 13, 2012 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email The National Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Consortium, a public-private partnership to support and enhance the use of modeling and simulation among America’s small and medium manufacturers, has received the 2012 HPCwire Editors’ Choice Award for Best HPC Collaboration between Government and Industry. NCSA’s Private Sector Program is a founding partner in NDEMC and shares in the HPCwire award. Backed by grant funding from the Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, NDEMC is committed to providing small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) with high-performance computing (HPC) modeling, simulation and technical training to develop a global competitive advantage in the marketplace. The Council on Competitiveness is the lead organization; other partners include, NCSA, the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), Purdue University, Lockheed-Martin, John Deere, Procter & Gamble, and General Electric Energy. NCSA provides technical expertise and training for participating SMEs. “It’s an honor to acknowledge the NDEMC (program) and the organizations involved in the project for their dedication towards bringing advanced digital manufacturing tools to America’s small to medium manufacturers,” said Tom Tabor, CEO of Tabor Communications Inc. and publisher of HPCwire. “Through their combined efforts, companies now have access to the transforming technologies that will enable them reduce their production costs, accelerate time to market, and compete effectively in the global marketplace.” HPCwire Editors’ Choice Awards are selected through an intricate process that includes a panel evaluation consisting of editorial and executive staff, HPC luminaries, and contributing editors throughout the industry. The knowledgeable, skilled consultants in NCSA’s Private Sector Program assist companies and research organizations with their digital modeling, simulation, computing, and data challenges. For more information, see or contact Merle Giles, Read the Council on Competitiveness announcement about the HPCwire award. Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive