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XSEDE15 offers wide range of tutorials

The XSEDE15 conference—to be held July 26-30 in St. Louis—will provide a full day of hands-on tutorials, spanning topics from secure coding practices and CUDA programming to scientific visualization and “supercomputing in plain English.” Participation in the tutorials is just $125 when you register by June 25—just $80 for students. Conference registration is $500 through June 25, $375 for students.

For complete details on all tutorials and to register, visit

In addition to these tutorials, XSEDE15 will offer talks on the scientific discoveries enabled by cyberinfrastructure, a keynote by Jim Kurose, assistant director for the Computer and Information Science and Engineering directorate at the National Science Foundation, and plenary talks by Valerio Pascucci, University of Utah, and Ann Quiroz Gates, University of Texas-El Paso. XSEDE15 is a forum for discussion of challenges, opportunities, and solutions among computational scientists, researchers, engineers, students, and educators from across the United States and internationally.

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