XSEDE16 Call for Participation November 12, 2015 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email XSEDE16, the 5th annual conference, will showcase the discoveries, innovations, challenges and achievements of those who use and support XSEDE resources and services, as well as other digital resources and services throughout the world. This year’s theme is Diversity, Big Data, & Science at Scale: Enabling the Next-Generation of Science and Technology. The XSEDE16 conference is designed to engage and directly benefit diverse communities including students, educators, researchers and practitioners across all fields of study and scholarly research, with particular emphasis placed on engaging under-represented minorities, women, and people with disabilities. The conference will provide numerous opportunities for developers, applications teams, students, innovators, CIOs, IT staff, and policy makers from academia, government, industry and other organizations to engage in discussions that will assist them in significantly advancing their effective utilization of digital resources. From experts in the field, to people who are novices to the applications of digital resources, the XSEDE16 Conference will provide a range of formal and informal opportunities for diverse communities to interact and address their needs and interests. Full papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to the ACM Digital Library. In addition, selected papers from all the tracks will be invited to extend the manuscripts to be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal of Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience. Papers accepted for the “Workforce Development and Diversity” track will be invited to extend the manuscripts for publication in the Journal of Computational Science Education. The XSEDE16 Technical Program includes the following tracks: Papers on Accelerating Discovery in Scholarly Research; Papers on Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Technology; Papers on Software and Software Environments; Papers on Workforce Development and Diversity; Short Papers and Visuals on Visualization Best Practices; Posters; Tutorials; and Birds of a Feather (BOFs). There are additional opportunities for student-led work by high-schoolers, undergraduates and graduates. Important dates April 1 — Tutorial submission deadline April 15 — Technical Papers abstracts deadline April 22 — Technical Papers submission deadline April 29 — Notification of acceptance for Tutorials May 2 — Conference registration opensBoF, Poster and Visualization Showcase submission deadlineStudent Travel Grant applications due May 27 — Notification of acceptance for Technical PapersNotification of acceptance for Visualization Showcase, BoF and PostersNotification of Student Travel grant awards June 3 — Final camera-ready submissions due for Technical Papers July 17–21 — XSEDE16 @ Miami For full conference details, please see http://conferences.xsede.org/xsede16. Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive