NCSA Alum Donna Cox Presents Keynote at PEARC22 July 15, 2022 In the News Arts and HumanitiesVisualization Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Donna Cox, portrait with "Familiar Is-ness" print. By NCSA News Staff Presenting virtually at PEARC22, visualization pioneer Donna Cox, recently retired from NCSA, delivered a keynote address focused not only on her legendary career but also on the value of building “Renaissance Teams,” a concept she helped develop early in her work at the center. Introduced by Amy Schuele, NCSA associate director, integrated cyberinfrastructure, Cox’s review of her career highlights also honored Colleen Bushell’s role in the development of Mosaic, the first graphical web browser created at NCSA. Bushell is currently associate director of healthcare innovation at the center. In an article published by HPCWire, Cox said of the need to connect a variety of experts, beyond the technical, to continually advance supercomputing, “It’s not just the science. It’s the communication efforts; it’s the social engineering.” You can read the full HPCWire article here.