TGI RAILS The Taylor Geospatial Institute Regional AI Learning System (TGI RAILS) offers a high-performance computing and data analysis system, funded by the National Science Foundation and the Taylor Geospatial Institute, and managed and operated at the National Center of Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. October 12, 2022
The South Pole Telescope Where did the universe come from? And what is it actually made of? Researchers are exploring the answers to these questions and more with a special telescope located at the bottom of the world. September 21, 2021
Transcriptional Regulation Explore how the team used TraRe, or Transcriptional Regulation, to determine molecular predictors of drug resistance in prostate cancer. October 6, 2021
Tumor Phylogeny Find out how visualizing the progression of tumors can help clinicians provide more targeted treatment for patients with cancer. October 6, 2021
Wind Farm Visualization Studying the interaction between large wind farms with multiple wind turbines and the atmospheric boundary layer flow. October 12, 2021
XSEDE NCSA led the National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which united skilled staff and powerful compute resources across the nation. August 25, 2021