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Project Profile

The COntext-Aware LEarning for Sustainable CybEr-agricultural systems (COALESCE) project strives to change agriculture. Through the use of non-traditional tools like robots, drones, sensors, and computer modeling, the organization seeks to make farming easier and more efficient. 

COALESCE relies on a trans-disciplinary team in its quest to create a scale-agnostic, cyber-agricultural system that can allow farm workers to provide customized treatment for individual plants. 

To realize this goal, the experts involved in COALESCE are researching individualized sensing and modeling. What’s more, COALESCE is working to provide context-aware machine learning and coordinated teams of robots to implement customized treatment for each plot or plant. 

NCSA is deeply involved in this project. COALESCE is co-led by Dr. Girish Chowdary, an associate professor at the Center for Digital Agriculture at NCSA. With access to NCSA resources, along with those brought by the many other organizations involved in the project, COALESCE hopes to give farmers the power to make decisions on an individual plant scale. 


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