Science is fueled by the relentless pursuit of understanding and discovery, driven by cutting-edge technology and human curiosity. NCSA plays a pivotal role in this journey, from turning raw data into powerful visual displays to achieving groundbreaking discoveries via the computing, networking and data systems housed at our 88,000-square-foot National Petascale Computing Facility. NCSA’s expertise illuminates the complexities of scientific inquiry, benefits researchers at Illinois and across the world and inspires future generations to push the boundaries of knowledge.
Come join us to learn a little more about our work. Our free tours are open to small groups, including class field trips, by request.
NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Laboratory (1205 W Clark Street, Urbana) uses scientific data to create stunning videos that allow us to visualize everything from microscopic cells to galaxies light years away. Tour participants will see clips from award-winning 3D animations and have the opportunity to ask questions of the team at NCSA’s headquarters on campus. Tours last from 30-45 minutes depending on your group’s availability. Due to room size and staffing availability, we require a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 participants per tour.
Those interested in NCSA’s one-of-a-kind machine room can visit the National Petascale Computing Facility (1725 S Oak St, Champaign) to learn more from the dedicated experts who manage these powerhouse resources. Tours last from 30 minutes, and tour coordinators should be mindful of travel time to the facility. This tour can accommodate up to 50 participants. We request you have 2+ tour coordinators present to help manage large groups.
Tour requests may be submitted using the form below. Please submit your request at least two weeks prior to your event to maximize staff availability. Response time is typically between 3-5 business days.
Note: Industry partners and government representatives may request special accommodations by emailing
NCSA Communications