Building Relationships and Driving Results The people power behind NCSA’s Industry Partner Program helps bridge the gap between organizations solving large computational problems and the NCSA expertise and resources that can most benefit them.
vForge vForge is a batch computing cluster built on NCSA’s Radiant cloud computing environment and Taiga center-wide storage system. Designed as a starting point for NCSA’s industry partners, vForge provides both traditional compute nodes and GPU nodes as well as a rich set of supported applications that span disciplines such as engineering, life sciences, data analytics, and machine learning.
Delta Funded by the National Science Foundation’s Innovative High-Performance Computing Program and building on the success of Blue Waters, Delta is the most performant GPU computing resource in NSF’s portfolio, making it a prime destination for advanced scientific research.
Nightingale Nightingale is a high-performance compute cluster for sensitive data. NCSA experts manage the complex requirements surrounding this data, taking the burden off users so they can focus on their applications. The system is compliant with HIPAA privacy and security rules for using Protected Health Information. Nightingale is not limited to the health domain and accommodates projects that require this amount of security or less.
Profiles NCSA Welcomes Kenton McHenry to the Center Stage! Get to know some of our amazing staff in our profile series. October 7, 2024
Thought Leadership Chuck Thompson on ‘The Evolving Vision for Illinois Computes’ Director of Illinois Computes Chuck Thompson lays out the next steps for the growing program. October 3, 2024
Funding NCSA Building Stronger Connections Among Observatories, Astronomers The HEROIC service will provide the entire astrophysics community a single destination to coordinate resources around an astronomical event. October 2, 2024
Science Features Probing the Early Universe NCSA scientists probe the epoch of the first stars and galaxies using the oldest light in the universe and the Illinois Campus Cluster. September 30, 2024