NCSA teams up with Spurlock Museum for 30th anniversary exhibit March 17, 2016 Share this page: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email NCSA and the University of Illinois’ Spurlock Museum have opened an exhibit in the museum’s Central Core that spotlights our 30 years of science, research and education. The Spurlock Musuem “NCSA 30th Anniversary” exhibit opened on March 1 and will close at the end of July. The Spurlock Museum is open 12 pm-5 pm, Tuesday; 9 am-5 pm Wed-Fri; 10 am-4 pm Saturday; and 12 pm-4 pm Sunday. “We are thrilled about this exhbit, which represents a continuation of collaborations between Spurlock and NCSA that have been going on since 2009,” said Wayne T. Pitard, Director, Spurlock Museum, and Professor, Department of Religion. “I think the public will be very interested in seeing some of the surviving pieces that show the beginnings of this extraordinary center that has made so many important discoveries over the past three decades.” The famed “Black Proposal,” which acts as the founding document to NCSA and four other NSF-funded supercomputer centers, is on display, along with other important documents, photos, videos and hardware from actual supercomputers. Additionally, a Cray-2 supercomputer is housed at Spurlock, on loan from the Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology in Chippewa Falls, WI. For more information on NCSA’s 30th anniversary, go to: Follow NCSA through social media for pictures, information, and trivia! Twitter: NCSAatIllinois Facebook: NCSAatIllinois Instagram: NCSA_at_Illinois Join in the NCSA 30 conversation by using “#NCSA30” in your social media. Disclaimer: Due to changes in website systems, we've adjusted archived content to fit the present-day site and the articles will not appear in their original published format. Formatting, header information, photographs and other illustrations are not available in archived articles. News Archive