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Project Profile

The nanomanucaturing (nanoMFG) node is meant to create software tools that will help develop smart, model-rivel and experimentally informed manufactured structures and devices. The first of its kind in the country, nanoMFG is proudly hosted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus. The tools developed here will be shared on the nanoHUB cyberframework. 

In essence, the team behind the nanoMFG node hopes to simulate every step of the manufacturing process of a nano-enabled product. With this in mind, the project has been created to facilitate the design, simulation, planning, and optimization of nano-manufacturing processes. 

The nanoMFG node will feature a range of simulation tools that leverage team expertise in a variety of fields. It will promote node themes and tools through STEM outreach, and it will update tools based on regular feedback from industry partners. 


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