Announcements NSF Awards NCSA $10 Million for Deployment of Delta NCSA takes an active role in expanding the adoption of GPU-based computing and continues to be at the forefront of advanced research computing. June 3, 2020
Funding NSF Awards NCSA Over $480,000 for the Development of Funcx This new “function-as-a-service” (FaaS) platform is hosted on the cloud and will enable researchers to build applications from functions that they can easily distribute across a variety of academic and commercial computing resources. May 14, 2020
Funding Digital Transformation Institute Funds Projects Three newly funded projects from the Digital Transformation Institute will enable researchers to 1) model the spread of COVID-19 for intervention policies, 2) model homelessness caused by the shutdown and target aid for at-risk communities, and 3) develop machine intelligence methods to aid in the interrogation of medical images from COVID-19 patients. April 29, 2020
Funding NSF Awards Over $680,000 to NCSA to Lead Development of the Einstein Toolkit The Einstein Toolkit ecosystem: Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics. April 22, 2020
Funding NIST-funded Collaboration Featuring NCSA Renewed for $20 Million The Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, hosted at Colorado State University, has been granted a five-year extension from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). March 2, 2020
Announcements NCSA Allocates Over 21 Million Node Hours in New Blue Waters Supercomputer Awards Over $13 million worth of allocations in Blue Waters supercomputer awards have been given to researchers and faculty at Illinois studying a diversity of topics. February 28, 2020
Funding Blue Waters Professor Awarded $3.3 Million for DOE Project Kaiyu Guan, a Blue Waters professor at NCSA, and his research team have been awarded a grant to measure carbon emissions in bioenergy crops. January 23, 2020
Funding NCSA Collaborations Awarded Over $6.1 Million to Accelerate Data-Intensive Science Three National Science Foundation grants were recently awarded to NCSA to help build the rapidly-emerging field of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. October 24, 2019
Funding NCSA’s Clowder to be Leveraged in $3 Million Effort to Support Permafrost Data Analytics Scientists from across the United States collaborate on the Permafrost Discover Gateway, an NSF-funded project to support our understanding of changing permafrost conditions. October 23, 2019
Funding Trusted CI Collaboration Receives $12.5 Million Renewal Grant from NSF Newly-awarded five-year funding ensures continued cybersecurity support of NSF research September 19, 2019
Announcements NSF Creates TeraGrid The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $53 million to four U.S. research institutions to build and deploy a distributed terascale facility (DTF). August 9, 2001