In the News NCSA Supercomputers Help Accurately Predict Volcanic Eruption Using NCSA’s iForge and Blue Waters, UIUC researchers predicted a volcanic event at the Sierra Negra Volcano five months in advance. June 6, 2022
Honors and Awards NCSA Awards 2022 Fiddler Innovation Fellowship Gabe Tavas won the $10K fellowship award for developing a sustainable wood alternative to mitigate deforestation. May 18, 2022
In the News NCSA Personnel Join New Research Collaborative Eight institutions form the Taylor Geospatial Institute to further establish the Midwest as the epicenter of national geospatial research. May 4, 2022
Profiles A 32-year Superstar in Cyberinfrastructure Retires Michelle Butler played critical roles in Mosaic and other NCSA milestones. May 3, 2022
Science Features Looking to the Past to Save the Oceans Now NCSA helps tap historic oceanographic data so scientists can learn more about the current state of oceans and how they might be affected by climate change. March 21, 2022
In the News NCSA Software Helps Monitor Arctic Permafrost and Climate Change A team of researchers uses deep learning, satellite imagery, software and supercomputers to make permafrost data more accessible, leading to insights on climate change. March 15, 2022
In the News NCSA Helps NASA Develop Visualization Prototype for Earth Data NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Lab worked with researchers and scientists to make Earth data more accessible and easier to process. February 22, 2022
Announcements NCSA Awards 20 Fiddler Innovation Fellowships to Illinois Students and Faculty NCSA’s eDream Institute awarded Illinois students and faculty for innovative multidisciplinary research projects in 2021. Fellows were honored in a virtual awards ceremony. December 3, 2021
Science Features NCSA Blue Waters and Advanced Visualization Lab Co-Produces Award-Winning Documentary “Atlas of a Changing Earth” Using collaboration, satellite imagery, supercomputers, and advanced visualization, ACE sheds light on the effects of rising global temperatures to help guide and inform possible solutions. December 1, 2021
Announcements NCSA’s Blue Waters Supercomputer Helps Map the Earth A small project to track melting in one section of polar ice is now mapping the entire Earth. November 17, 2021
Publications Marginal Land for Growing Bioenergy Crops Less Than Estimated NCSA’s Blue Waters aids researchers in estimating marginal land available for bioenergy production. September 23, 2021
Announcements NCSA Welcomes 2021-22 Faculty Fellows The NCSA Faculty Fellowship program awarded 15 University of Illinois faculty funding for 10 interdisciplinary research projects involving our center. July 21, 2021
Announcements DTI Announces AI for Energy and Climate Security Awards The consortium awarded $4.4M in funding and advanced computing resources to 21 projects at partner institutions. June 10, 2021
Announcements DTI Announces Call for Papers to Advance AI for Energy and Climate Security Funded proposals will receive up to $5M and include unlimited free access to the C3 AI Suite hosted on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. February 2, 2021
Honors and Awards NCSA Wins Multiple Awards During SC20 NCSA and our partner institutions were honored to take home awards during the annual Supercomputing Conference (SC20), spanning from Agriculture to Visualization and many domains in between. November 24, 2020
Honors and Awards NCSA Receives Honors in 2020 HPC Innovation Excellence Awards The biannual awards recognize achievements by users of high-performance computing technologies. November 17, 2020