Announcements Esteemed Alumnus Returns to the Center Bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience, Kelvin Droegemeier joins NCSA as a faculty affiliate. November 13, 2023
In the News Five Years of Success with CDA Since its launch in 2018, the Center for Digital Agriculture has grown tremendously October 10, 2023
Research Summer Interns Experience the Future of Agriculture An all-women cohort of young researchers joins CDA’s REU program this year, and they share their experiences August 15, 2023
Funding NCSA Joins New Phase of Climate Project to Track Arctic Permafrost Thaw Led by the Woodwell Climate Research Center, the $5 million grant from will fund the expansion of a new, open-access resource that will use satellite data and AI/ML technology to track Arctic permafrost thaw more efficiently. July 19, 2023
Research The Many Phases of Water From solid to liquid to gas, studying the behavior of water with the power of Delta July 10, 2023
Research Bringing the Sky Down to Earth NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Lab strives to make complicated science more accessible to audiences June 22, 2023
Profiles Take a Trip to the South Pole Telescope with NCSA CAPS fellow Melanie Archipley takes us on a photographic journey to the South Pole May 23, 2023
Research Study Shows the Benefits of Winter Cover Crops At the intersection of agriculture and engineering, important advancements are being made in sustainable agriculture. May 1, 2023
Funding CDA To Create Profitable Food Oases In Urban Ecosystems The project will use AI-powered robotics to automate operations for high tunnels at UIUC’s Sustainable Student Farm. April 12, 2023
In the News iSEE Seed-Funds Two New Projects iSEE and NCSA use automation to increase sustainability March 16, 2023
In the News NCSA Supercomputers Aid in Fighting Climate Change UIUC researchers used NCSA Delta and Blue Waters to find more efficient ways to calculate carbon credits. January 11, 2023
Honors and Awards NFI, NCSA Win Second Place in AI Competition for Critical Mineral Assessment A team of researchers from NFI, NCSA and CAII were awarded second place for their solution in the Map Feature Extraction challenge, co-sponsored by USGS and DARPA. December 21, 2022
Science Features Kaiyu Guan Charts the Course from Blue Waters to Delta We spoke with Kaiyu Guan about his research journey from Blue Waters to Delta. October 19, 2022
Announcements NCSA Hosts First-Ever Energy Datathon UIUC students competed to solve examples of exciting and challenging energy problems at an NCSA weekend event. October 11, 2022
In the News Festival Goers Make Virtual Journeys with NCSA NCSA shares virtual reality experiences with Pygmalion 2022 attendees. October 7, 2022
Research Improving the World Through Agriculture CDA REU students get valuable experience from UIUC research mentors over the summer August 24, 2022